lunedì 12 marzo 2018

Società: indagine Caritas Ambrosiana. “Rom, oltre la retorica dell’emergenza”

“In-visibili. La presenza rom e gli insediamenti spontanei”: è il titolo del convegno che si terrà domani, martedì 13 marzo dalle ore 9.00, nelle sede di Caritas Ambrosiana di via San Bernardino 4 a Milano

L’indagine “costituisce una rilevazione sui rom che oggi vivono negli insediamenti spontanei, spesso di dimensione familiare. Il lavoro di ricerca ha permesso di ricostruire la storia migratoria di questa popolazione, le condizioni materiali di vita, le attese per il futuro”. Gli organizzatori spiegano: “Sui rom, Milano ha finalmente abbandonato la retorica dell’emergenza. Oggi proprio gli interventi più seri del terzo settore realizzati in città dimostrano che l’integrazione è possibile. Servono progetti mirati, continuativi e incentrati sulla dignità delle persone”.

lunedì 5 marzo 2018

Marianna Merola del coro di Santa Cecilia

Ascoltando #Radio3Suite su @Radio3tweet ho saputo che è morta la cantante Marianna Merola di @santa_cecilia . Triste notizia! Riposa in pace Marianna. Condoglianze alla famiglia.

giovedì 1 marzo 2018

Happy Birthday / Buon Compleanno Alberto Ferro (pianista siciliano)

#HappyBirthday / #BuonCompleanno  @albertopianist
Alberto Ferro pianista siciliano:

St David pray for us Happy St David's Day

This is taken from CAFOD
"Saint David,You chose to live a simple life, and helped others whose lives were simple not through choice but circumstances. Pray that I may consider my choices and live more simply in order to make a big difference to others.Show me the way to make small tasks occasions of prayer. Kindle in me a love of God so that in everything I do, I will keep that spirit of prayer.Amen."

Feast Day 1 March
Birthplace Caerfai, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Born Date unknown, around 500
Died 1 March, around 589
Canonised Around 1120 by Pope Callistus II
Patron saint of Wales, vegetarians and poets

The life of St David
The earliest biography that we have about St David was written about 500 years after his death, so it is difficult to know for certain which of the legends and traditions about him are true.
St David is believed to be the son of King Santof South Wales and St Non. He was ordained as a priest, lived as a monk and later became the Bishop of Meneviaand Archbishop of Wales. Tradition teaches that while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land he was consecrated as an archbishop by the Patriarch of Jerusalem. This is also an example of one of St David’s missionary journeys.During his life, St David founded a number of monasteries. The monks were known for eating and drinking very little –water and bread with salt and herbs, perhaps watercress –while ploughing the fields without oxen and looking after the beehives during the day, and praying and studying in the evenings. The monks were not allowed any personal possessions –it was an offence to say “my book”.The monks also provided hospitality, food and clothes to pilgrims, other travellers and people living in poverty in the local community.This simple life meant that David became known as DewiDdyfrwr, David the water drinker. Despite his frugal vegetarian diet, which no doubt included leeks, one of the symbols of Wales, he is reported as being tall and strong.There are many legends about St David. One of the best known is that as he was preaching to a crowd of people, a hill rose up where he was standing so all the people could see him, and a dove landed on his shoulder. This is where the village of LlanddewiBrefiis today. It is also said that he cured his elderly teacher, the monk St Paulinus, of blindness.In his sermon the Sunday before he died, St David said:“Be joyful and keep your faith and your creed. Do the little things that you have heard about and seen me do. I will walk the path that our fathers trod before us.”
St David’s body was buried in the grounds of his monastery, where the Cathedral of St David now stands.