mercoledì 19 agosto 2020

San Ludovico


Today's saint Saint Ludovico was one  the sons of Carlo d'Angiò King of Napoli and was imprisoned with his brothers    at Aragón king court. This imprisonment signed his life. He knew the Franciscan Friars and when was free again he left the life as king to become a Friar and was elected the bishop of Toulouse. He was an instrument of God's Mercy. He was used by God for the salvation and consolation of the people. After 15 days of sickness,the day he died he could pray as he couldn't during his disease. From 3pm to Vespers time he prayed the Crucified Jesus and Hail Mary. A brother(confratello) asked why he was repeating Hail Mary and he answered "I am dying and the Virgin Mary will save me". He was born on 1274 and died on 1297. He was canonized by Pope John XXII .

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