giovedì 31 dicembre 2020

Sulla Fratellanza e la democrazia

"Solo partendo dal riconoscimento dell’altro come fratello, con tutti i suoi diritti, si può costituire una libertà che cerchi l’uguaglianza." 

Tratto da È ancora possibile sperare? di Jorge Cela Carvajal, SJ (Coordinatore della rete dei centri Loyola, La Habana, Cuba) 

martedì 29 dicembre 2020

Onorificenze: gli "esempi civili" insigniti da Mattarella

Leggendo mi sono commossa.  Questa l'Italia bella:fatta da italiani che scelgono di amare e compiere il bene. Non sappiamo niente di loro,adesso ne conosciamo alcuni grazie alla decisione del presidente della repubblica italiana che gli conferisce l'onorificenza. L' Italia è piena di Italiani che (senza pubblicità, essere lodati nelle piazze, senza andare in tv) fanno del bene,compiendo il proprio dovere con dedizione, passione, amore.

domenica 27 dicembre 2020

Non esperate i vostri figli

Oggi festeggiamo la Santa Famiglia di Gesù, Maria e Giuseppe. 
È una giornata dedicata alle famiglie. 
Cosa vuol dire famiglia? 
Cosa vuol dire per me famiglia?
E per le tante persone sole,abbandonate, senzatetto, cosa vuol dire famiglia?
Da figlia ho sempre sentito risuonare in me queste parole tratte dalla Lettera di San Paolo Apostolo agli Efesini:
"Figli, obbedite ai vostri genitori nel Signore, perché questo è giusto.Onora tuo padre e tua madre! Questo è il primo comandamento che è accompagnato da una promessa: perché tu sia felice e goda di una lunga vita sulla terraE voi, padri, non esasperate i vostri figli, ma fateli crescere nella disciplina e negli insegnamenti del Signore."(Efesini 6,1-4).
Ognuno rifletta sulla propria situazione familiare. 
Famiglia,scuola,ambiente del luogo in cui si vive, contribuiscono alla formazione della persona. 
Purtroppo, ho trovato poca disciplina e l'esasperazione è all'ordine del giorno. 
"Non esasperate i vostri figli..." scrive l'Apostolo Paolo. 
Cara Italia, che male avevi fatto per meritare nei luoghi che contano (parlamento, senato,governo,alle regioni,nei consigli comunali, sindaci,insegnanti) persone incompetenti che ci esasperano mentre i tuoi migliori figli sono emigrati o sono a casa disoccupati? 

"Non esasperate i vostri figli..." 
E voi cari genitori perché mi avete esasperata fino al punto da permettere che non abbia potuto studiare in una scuola di qualità? 
"Non esasperate i vostri figli..." 
Lo sapete che per le malattie non esiste colpa, vengono e bisogna curarsi. 
Cari genitori, non lamentatevi dei figli rimasti a casa con voi. Siate grati. Amate i vostri figli. Anche i figli adulti che a causa di avversità sono rimasti a casa con voi. 

Spesso le feste tolgono il buon umore. Mancano i nonni  e gli amici di un tempo. 
Ma la vita è una festa già di per sé!

In questi giorni una delle canzoni più belle è Manzi (Si trova nell'EP Euthymia di Armin van Buuren ed in fondo trovate il testo e il  video). Quando ascolto Manzi e sento le parole "My heart belongs to you", io penso a Te Gesù che sei l'unico a cui voglio appartenga il mio cuore. 
Per incontrare la persona da sposare (che finora non sono riuscita ad incontrare)  mi è stato detto: chiedi e cerca. A chi devo chiedere? Chi,dove,come e quando devo cercare per poter incontrare questa persona?
Io non voglio la famiglia dei miei genitori, non voglio esasperare i miei figli (se avrò figli),ma figli da crescere nell'educazione e nella disciplina del Signore. 

Sono convinta che la famiglia è di Dio ed è la grande famiglia umana che Tu,o Dio,hai creato. Qualsiasi cosa ci accade,possa accadere, Tu cammini davanti a noi e Tu soffri con noi. 

Just a little bit longer
Just a little more loving
But that won't help me get over you
You shouldn't be calling
And I shouldn't be texting
This is not how we get over it
If I'm gonna be honest
You're the one that I'm wanting
Can't deny that you're the one for me
Maybe it's a phase
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
Don't let me
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
Don't let me
And I can't get over
Don't wanna think it's over
My heart belongs to you
And I've been soul searching
And you been waiting for an answer
Took me too long to see it's you
And your daddy's saying
That I need to make my mind up
Thinks that I'm no good for you
Lost my chance, game over
And I'm left to wonder
What my life would be like with you
Maybe it's a phase
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
Don't let me
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
Don't let me drown
Don't let me
Manzi, manzi
Manzi, manzi
And I can't get over
Don't wanna think it's over
My heart belongs to you
And I can't get over
Don't wanna think it's over
My heart belongs to you
Manzi, manzi
Manzi, manzi
Manzi, manzi
Manzi, manzi

giovedì 24 dicembre 2020

È apparsa la Grazia di Dio per tutti gli uomini

Dalla lettera di san Paolo apostolo a Tito
Tt 2,11-14

Figlio mio, è apparsa la grazia di Dio, che porta salvezza a tutti gli uomini e ci insegna a rinnegare l’empietà e i desideri mondani e a vivere in questo mondo con sobrietà, con giustizia e con pietà, nell’attesa della beata speranza e della manifestazione della gloria del nostro grande Dio e salvatore Gesù Cristo. Egli ha dato se stesso per noi, per riscattarci da ogni iniquità e formare per sé un popolo puro che gli appartenga, pieno di zelo per le opere buone.

venerdì 18 dicembre 2020

Seafarers are our heroes. Please make a donation for these people who risks their lives across the oceans and seas of the world

Here's a message from Bishop Paul Mason, our Bishop Promoter for England & Wales ahead of Sea Sunday this Sunday 20th December. Please do read it. Now more than ever we need to let seafarers know that they are not forgotten.

What did you have for breakfast this morning? A banana? A cup of tea or coffee? 

I ask this because it highlights one of the remarkable aspects of the crisis that has gripped us this year. The global trade of goods has continued virtually unaffected. Food continues to arrive in our kitchens from all around the world. Not to mention medicine, medical equipment and any number of other items. 

In fact, 90% of the products in our shops and homes have arrived here by sea and have been brought to us by seafarers. These hardworking men and women who crew container ships, oil tankers, fishing vessels and transporters are among the true frontline heroes of 2020. On Sea Sunday this Sunday (December 20th), we thank God for them, just as we clapped for carers back in the Spring . 

But in the coming week, many seafarers face a miserable, lonely Christmas, thousands of miles away from their families. Right now, around 400,000 seafarers are stranded around the world because of the pandemic. National quarantine rules, airline cancellations and ongoing disruption mean they cannot return home. Many have had their contracts extended again and again, and some have not seen their families for up to a year. Seafarers are exhausted and anxious.

This is a humanitarian crisis, but few outside the maritime sector know about it. As we reflect upon the Nativity scene in the crib, let us remember that some seafarers will miss the birth of their child while stranded at sea this Christmas time. Like all of us, they just  want to be with their loved ones for Christmas. 

This Sea Sunday, I hope you will join with us at Stella Maris to make Christmas special for stranded seafarers. 

Here's how you can help please. 
At Stella Maris, we have chaplains and volunteers working in ports up and down the country and across the world. This week - even on Christmas Day - they will be out, as usual, visiting seafarers on the gangway or dockside. They will (safely) hand out small gifts and provide vital pastoral care. They will provide welfare packages of food and toiletries and faith resources: rosaries, Bibles and prayer books. And they will make videos of Gospel readings and email them out to crews stuck onboard ships. 

But all this can only happen with your support. Today, please, will you do two things? 

Firstly, please remember seafarers in your prayers. Thank God for them and the vital role they play in all our lives, often working in difficult and hazardous conditions and harsh w eat her. 

Secondly, please could you give a donation? Your gift will help seafarers who are stranded and who won't see their families this Christmas. It will show your appreciation for these often-forgotten key workers. And your support will be a generous expression of God's love. You can donate in one of three ways: 
• use the giving envelope provided in churches where available 
• text SEA to 70460 to donate £5 
• give via the website: 

Thank you so much for playing a part this Sea Sunday. We are very grateful for all your support. 
Bishop Paul Mason, 
Bishop Promoter for Stella Maris in England & Wales.

mercoledì 16 dicembre 2020

A Young Adult Prayer

A Young Adult Prayer 

In the noise of the city, bring us peace.
When things don’t make sense, 
  give us meaning.
When we’ve lost our way, 
  point us in the right direction.
When it’s tough to be Christian, 
  shine your light in our lives.
When we’re alone, 
  give us courage to make friends.
When careers take over, 
  help bring perspective to our lives.
When we meet injustice, 
  inspire us to do what we should.
When life is full, 
  help us focus on what’s important.
When love is difficult, 
  break our hearts of stone.
When we ask, 
  give us hearts for love alone.  Amen

lunedì 14 dicembre 2020

There's a guy...

There's a guy that I like & I don't like at the same time. There's a guy too far from me that I would like to have near me to feel his naked body above mine. There's a guy that let me feel in danger. I feel him like all the men who kill women. I feel he wants bad things while I want clean and romantic ones. There's a guy... He is real. There's this guy...  

Sanare la democrazia

Per chiunque voglia approfondire e riflettere sulla democrazia,la speranza, i danni che produce il populismo, l'attualità della democrazia americana e le recenti elezioni,consiglio la lettura dell'ultimo numero di #PromoIustitiae 
Si possono scaricare anche i numeri precedenti e consiglio anche di farsi un giro sul sito

giovedì 3 dicembre 2020


In  the  words  of  an anonymous  fourteenth-century British  monk  and  spiritual  teacher,  "Meekness  in  itself  is  nothing  else  than  a  true  knowing  and  feeling  of  a  man's  self  as  he is.  Any  man  who  truly  sees  and  feels  himself  as  he  is  must surely  be  meek  indeed." 
(In The Road Less Traveled,M Scott Peck quoted this inspirational quote about meekness)

Happy feast of St Francis Xavier and Happy birthday to the Pope's worldwide prayer network

Today is also the 176th Birthday of Pope's worldwide prayer network (which includes EYM). During the first Vespers of St Francis Xavier SJ Feast a group of Jesuits seminarists were inspired of doing something for spreading the Good News of The Gospel through prayer. Here a video with the history of Pope's worldwide prayer network 

St Francis Xavier  SJ is the patron Saint of Missions with St Therese of Lisieux and the patron saint of Pope's worldwide prayer network and EYM. 

martedì 1 dicembre 2020

Happy feast of *St Edmund Campion SJ* (1540-1581)

Happy feast of *St Edmund Campion SJ* (1540-1581)

Edmund Campion was born in London on January 25, 1540, received his early education at Christ’s Hospital, and, as the best of the London scholars, was chosen aged thirteen to make the complimentary speech when Queen Mary visited the city. He then attended St John’s College, Oxford, becoming a fellow in 1557 and taking the Oath of Supremacy on the occasion of his degree in 1564. Two years later he welcomed Queen Elizabeth to the university, and won her lasting regard. He was chosen amongst the scholars to lead a public debate in front of the queen. People were now talking of Campion in terms of being a future Archbishop of Canterbury, in the newly established Church of England. Although holding Catholic doctrines, reinforced by his reading of the early Fathers, he received deacon’s orders in the Anglican Church. Inwardly “he took a remorse of conscience and detestation of mind.” Eventually he went to Douai where he was reconciled to the Catholic Church and received the Eucharist that he had denied himself for the last twelve years. The college was a centre of intellectual excellence and Campion found himself reunited with many of his former Oxford friends. His studies completed he left for Rome, travelling on foot and alone in the guise of a poor pilgrim. He then entered a novitiate with the Jesuits, and spent some years in Vienna and Prague.
  In 1580, the Jesuit mission to England began. Campion entered England in the guise of a jewel merchant, and at once began to preach. His presence soon became known to the authorities, not least because of the challenge he made, known as the “Challenge to the Privy Council” to his allies and as “Campion’s Brag” to his enemies. As a result his position became increasingly difficult. He led a hunted life, preaching and ministering to Catholics in Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, and Lancashire. On his way to Norfolk, he stopped at Lyford, near Wantage, where he celebrated Mass and preached both on July 14 and on the following day. Here after a long search he was found in hiding above the gateway. He was taken to London with his arms pinioned and bearing on his hat a paper with the inscription, “Campion, the Seditious Jesuit.” Committed to the Tower of London, he was questioned in the presence (it is said) of Elizabeth, who asked him if he acknowledged her to be the true Queen of England. He replied in the affirmative, and she offered him wealth and dignities, but on condition of rejecting his Catholic faith, which he refused to do.
  He was kept a long time in prison, where he was twice racked, and every effort was made to shake his defiance. He took part in a number of public debates and reportedly conducted himself so easily and readily that he won the admiration of most of the audience. He was indicted at Westminster on a charge of having conspired, along with others, in Rome and Reims to ‘raise a sedition in the realm’ and dethrone the Queen. He was sentenced to death as a traitor. He answered: “In condemning us, you condemn all your own ancestors, all our ancient bishops and kings, all that was once the glory of England — the island of saints, and the most devoted child of the See of Peter.” After spending his last days in prayer he was led with two companions to Tyburn and hanged, drawn and quartered on December 1, 1581, aged 41.