mercoledì 1 maggio 2019

Wedding parties .... living a simple life....

I don't like wedding parties. So often people don't know what they are doing, the wedding feast has become more important than the life together. Marriage is living and sharing the life together, loving and caring, forgiving, between the husband and the wife. Marriage is about love,  it's a God's vocation.
If I will engage and I could marry in the Church: I would like have a very simple wedding. I want to live a very simple life. If I couldn't marry in the Church. I don't want parties and other people with me, I just  want to go to put my signature in the office with my partner and the wedding witnesses. The feast for me it's living every day a simple life with my beloved partner. But at the moment I am single. And to live this I must find a partner that wants to live a simple life just like me. If we don't agree about life, about living a simple life, it's better we won't get married...

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