giovedì 16 dicembre 2021

From series to a reflection about the dialogue between different generations

 This beautiful video has remembered me my wonderful time with my elderly friends.

 Personally, I don't like using pay tv and platforms like Netflix and there's both an economic reason and a reason of time. I prefer using my time for doing other things like reading, walking,listening to the music, meditation,etc... 

The topic of the dialogue between different generations especially between young people & the elderly is very precious to me. I was bullied during my teenage years & adult people who should help didn't do & preferred the bullies. Some adult had bully behaviours too. I live in a small town so we know each others and the same people who there were at school they were outside: parish,gym, along the streets, etc... So, my big inspiration were my elderly friends & one of them was also my best friend: Salvatore. Elderly people understand better the good side & the bad side, loving with sincerity and without prejudice, encouraging young people to never give up. They had faced the starvation during the second world war and could understand young people sacrifice due to economic crises. It's also useful the friendship between teenagers, but teenagers also should dialogue with the elderly people so that they can learn from their roots. 

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