sabato 5 maggio 2018

Vigil for life today 3p.mIreland time. Pray for Life and pray everyday for Ireland.

Today at 3p.m. (Ireland time) there is the Irish Vigil for Life. It's important to pray with Irish people.  Everyone has to pray for Ireland, Irish people and Irish politicians so that the 25th of May they vote no and don't repeal the 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution.  The 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution is too important for humanity because it gives human right to life to the children in the womb and saves both women and children.
Today at 3p.m Ireland time we oray in communion with the vigil for life and everyday we have to pray for Ireland so that with the 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution Ireland continue to be the prolife nation thst saves both women and children and all human lives and sick people.

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